Understand IAM PassRole to Secure your AWS Infrastructure

Understand IAM PassRole to Secure your AWS Infrastructure

Understand IAM PassRole to Secure your AWS Infrastructure

It’s a very common practice to pass a role to AWS service to allow them to perform tasks on your behalf.

Service can assume the passed role and perform all the tasks permitted by the role. Sounds easy and convenient- Right? 🙂

Now imagine a situation!!!

A normal user(with limited access) creates an Admin role and passes the role to an EC2 instance.

What do you think will happen?

Escalation of Privilege ?? or any error?

Well, that depends upon whether the user has PassRole permission to pass the Admin role to the instance.

Now, what’s IAM PassRole?

Let’s find out…

What is IAM PassRole?

First of all tell me, what do you think about the Action – iam:PassRole in below code snippet?

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [

Well, usually an action in a policy document always maps one-to-one to an API call.

But surprise surprise !!!

iam:PassRole is not an action or API call. You can confirm this by checking IAM API documentation.

That’s confusing enough.

What’s it then?

Basically, IAM PassRole is the permission that controls which users can delegate an IAM role to an AWS resource.

To pass a role (and its permissions) to an AWS service, a user must have iam:PassRole permission assigned to the user’s IAM user, role or group.

Let’s understand this by our analogy- Iam:PassRole example

Bob -> IAM User

EC2Role- Service Role Which can be assumed by an EC2 instance

Bob -> Passes EC2Role to EC2 Service when launching an instance (Pass Role)

Now, the service(EC2) checks if Bob has permission to pass this role to the EC2 instance.

If yes, the instance is launched with that role successfully, If no, an error will be thrown like below.

User: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Bob is not authorized to perform: iam:PassRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EC2Role

In short, Bob must have IAM PassRole Permission for EC2Role to pass the role EC2 service like below.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [

Why is iam:PassRole Permission important?

The simple answer is Because it’s an additional layer of security to avoid escalation of privilege attacks.

In other words, it helps administrators ensure that only approved users can configure a service with a role that grants permissions.

Let’s come back to the question I asked in the beginning.

Suppose you are a user who has only limited permission. you create an Administrator role and assign it to an EC2.

If there wouldn’t have been the concept of iam:PassRole, you can successfully pass the role to EC2 .

That way you can perform all the admin actions you are otherwise not allowed to do.

But all thanks to PassRole, you can’t do that if you don’t have explicit permission to pass the admin role to EC2.

Making iam:PassRole More Restrictive

In many of the cases, although I see people using iam:PassRole permission. But they tend to give “*” in resource like below.

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [


Because it’s the easiest thing to do.

What does the above permission mean?

It means that this principle(user) is allowed to pass any role to any AWS Service.

If this user’s credential is compromised, It will allow attackers to create any role they want and assign it to any service to perform any malicious task that they want.


Always be specific and follow the principle of least privilege like specifying the specific role that you want the user to pass on.


To sum up what we learnt in this post-

  • To pass a role to an AWS service, a user must have iam:PassRole permission.
  • We also learnt why it is important
  • Finally, we learnt that using PassRole correctly can help us protect against the escalation of privilege attacks.

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