Top 15 Ways to Learn AWS for Free in 2023

Top 10 Ways to Learn AWS for Free in 2023

Learn AWS for Free in 2023

If you look at the current trend in the market, Cloud Computing seems to be in very high demand. And you can verify that yourself by looking at any of the technical job postings at the moment.

More and more organizations are adopting a cloud-native approach. As a result, the demand for highly skilled resources in the Cloud is gonna increase in the upcoming time.

Having said that, when it comes to the cloud, AWS is the market leader with the highest market share. Therefore, It makes sense to learn AWS and stay ahead in your career.

In this post, I will tell you about high-quality resources that can help you learn AWS for free. So are you excited?

Alright !!!

Let’s go πŸ™‚

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Top 15 Ways to Learn AWS for Free in 2023

In this section, I will tell you 15 ways in which you can learn AWS for free. I will try to provide a mix of content like tutorials, courses and a few hands-on websites. So that all together you can maximize your learning.

Let’s get started.

1. AWS Cloud Quest

Are you a newcomer to cloud computing? If yes, I am sure you don’t want to get bombarded by the plethora of resources to make you more confused.

AWS Cloud Quest is a role-playing game where you can get practical AWS cloud skills in a fun way. It helps you learn AWS cloud in an interactive, engaging and enjoyable way.

You can play a role for example Cloud Practitioner and then apply your cloud skills to help the citizens of your virtual city. Once you finish all the assignments in your role, you can showcase your achievement with a digital badge.

You will find this game as part of the AWS Skillbuilder website however, it sure deserves a separate mention so here it is. πŸ™‚

Start Here: AWS Cloud Quest for Cloud Practitioner

2. AWS Skill Builder

AWS skill builder provides 500+ digital courses, 25+ learning plans and various ramp-up guides for you to get started with AWS smoothly.

You also get official certification question sets for practising to ace your AWS certification exams.

I especially like the learning plan that it provides for a more organized way of learning. For example, the serverless plan includes the basics of serverless and various services like AWS Lambda, API gateway, DynamoDB, SQS, SNS, S3 etc. integrated together to build real-life serverless projects.

I would highly recommend you check out the skill builder content. You can combine it with hands-on practice to kickstart your journey into the AWS cloud hassle-free.

In fact, I would say if you are looking for just one resource while trying to learn aws, then go with this and I am sure, you are not gonna be disappointed.

Start Here: AWS Skill Builder

3. edX Courses from AWS

edX is an American massive open online course provider created by Harvard and MIT. AWS has collaborated with edX to provide high-quality courses to a wide audience to step up in cloud computing on AWS.

You can learn AWS from these amazing courses for free. However, if you want a certificate there is a small fee associated with that.

Therefore, if your sole purpose is learning, you should be able to learn AWS for free using these courses.

Start Here: edX Courses

4. AWS Free Tier

No matter how many tutorials you watch, real learning comes only by doing it yourself. You can create an AWS account and practice alongside watching tutorials to make your learning concrete.

Here is how to setup your AWS free tier account in right way.

AWS provides a generous free tier for 12 months which is sufficient for learning purposes. But make sure to check services that are free because not everything is free as you would assume.

Note: Make sure to set up a Billing Alarm in AWS Account to avoid billing shocks and have peaceful sleep at night :P.

Start Here: AWS Free Tier

5. AWS Developer Center

AWS developer centre or provides a wide variety of hands-on tutorials that you can try by yourself.

Combine it with AWS free tier and gain expertise in designing, developing, and deploying highly available, scalable and secure solutions on AWS.

Start Here: AWS Developer Center

6. AWS Workshops

The AWS Workshops website lists various kinds of workshops created by AWS teams. These workshops are practical-oriented and can you learn AWS in the real world.

There are hundreds are workshops available here and new ones get added very frequently. These workshops are created by experts from AWS and AWS partners that you can access from anywhere.

I have found workshops to be amazingly helpful in past and I highly recommend you try them out based on your use case.

Start Here: AWS Workshops

7. AWS Educate

If you are a beginner, AWS Educate gives you a hassle-free experience of learning AWS.

It provides free online learning resources and labs that you can complete at your own pace.

Start Here: AWS Educate

8. YouTube

There are several youtube channels that can help you learn on demand. Here are some of them that I use and like.

  • AWS official channel provides a wide range of videos on various AWS topics and events
  • AWS Events is an official youtube channel for AWS events and webinars. Moreover, you can watch reInvent videos here which are amazingly helpful.
  • AWS Online Tech Talks channel contains various technical talks by AWS experts that are very helpful
  • FreeCodeCamp contains many high-quality videos that can help you learn AWS for free

9. Free Coursera AWS Courses

Coursera is a US-based open online course provider and hosts a sea of resources. Although most of the resources at Coursera are paid, However, there are some courses that can help you learn AWS for free.

While getting started, instead of buying the course, choose the option Audit only and you should be able to learn all these amazing lessons.

Here are a few I liked:

10. Udemy Free Courses

There are many free courses on Udemy that will help you gain knowledge and expertise in AWS.

So if you are looking to learn AWS using free resources, the below will be really helpful. Do check them out and let me know in the comments what you think.

Free Udemy courses to learn AWS:

11. AWS Documentation & FAQs

Reading documentation is never easy. Mostly they are blunt and boring. But no matter how boring they are, you can’t deny the fact that they are damn useful.

I like to read the documentation of the service I am working on. It helps to deepen my understanding of a particular topic. And it has always helped.

There are times when you might find documentation to be unclear or disappointing. But other times, it helps a lot. So well, it’s something I guess AWS is working on to improve day by day.

FAQs: AWS FAQs answer the questions that you might have about any service. Feel free to go through the FAQ of a service. It helps you a lot in understanding as well as passing AWS certifications.

Start Here: AWS Documentation & FAQs

12. Twitch

AWS offers various free live and on-demand training on Twitch that you can use to learn AWS.

I have watched a few of the AWS power hour session on AWS and they are deep and provides an in-depth understanding of the topic.

You can go to the videos tab to see all the available content and devour it as per your need.

Start Here: AWS on Twitch

13. AWS Whitepapers

If you are already done with the basics of AWS and want to get deeper into the nitty gritty of how a service works- Whitepaper is for you.

AWS whitepapers provide you with a deeper understanding of a particular service. It helps you know why something happens a certain way, Or what is the best practice to solve certain kinds of problems.

Start Here: AWS Whitepapers

14. AWS Community

Learning and doing are all great. However, there are times when you are stuck and you feel like you need a helping help.

AWS community comes to your rescue at that time. Ask your question in the community and find a solution to the problem you are facing.

Here are some of the AWS communities you can follow:

15. AWS Open Guide

Last but not least, let’s talk about this AWS open guide. You are gonna thank me for this later πŸ™‚

As there are plenty of resources online. It becomes quite confusing at times on what to use and what not to.

AWS open guide provides you with the consolidated links, gotchas, issues and best practices on using AWS services in the best way possible.

Start Here: AWS Open Guide


In this post, we discussed the top 15 ways in which you can learn AWS for free. We saw various resources, courses and hands-on website that helps you speed up your AWS learning and leads you towards a better career with AWS expertise.

Don’t forget to tell me what is your favourite resource to learn AWS for free. Or if you would like me to include any resources, please let me know in the comments.

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